High Dividend ETF Portfolios

If you need a regural income from your investments, you should look for stocks/bonds that give you periodic dividends/distributions.

If you invest in an ETF Portfolio, with low cost fees and very little maintenance needed, you can actually build your financial freedom path.

Choose your Lazy Portfolio, and implement it with ETFs.
Portfolios are ordered by their most recent Dividend Yield. Click on column header to sort table.

Risk Filter:
Last Update - 28 Feb 2025
2025 Dividend Yield is calculated only for a portion of the year (Jan - Feb)
% Allocation
Div.Yield (%)
Ann. Returns (%)
Portfolio Stocks Bonds Comm. 2025 2024  ▾ 1Y 5Y 10Y
High Yield Bonds Income
The Lazy Team
0 100 0 0.47 5.95 +9.09 +1.48 +3.20
US Cash
0 100 0 0.36 5.03 +4.99 +2.43 +1.68
Dynamic 40/60 Income
The Lazy Team
40 60 0 0.36 4.69 +9.83 +4.92 +4.83
Dynamic 60/40 Income
The Lazy Team
60 40 0 0.27 4.37 +10.61 +6.12 +5.44
Total Bond Developed World ex-US
0 100 0 0.21 4.18 +5.92 -0.18 +1.86
All Country World Bonds
0 100 0 0.30 4.12 +6.49 -0.29 +1.82
Conservative Income
Charles Schwab
5 95 0 0.26 4.03 +6.40 +1.31 +2.12
Developed World ex-US 20/80
20 80 0 0.17 4.01 +6.43 +1.52 +2.68
Short Term Treasury
0 100 0 0.33 3.91 +5.15 +1.15 +1.32
Aggressive Global Income
The Lazy Team
80 20 0 0.10 3.90 +13.46 +8.23 +6.03
Developed World ex-US 40/60
40 60 0 0.12 3.85 +6.93 +3.24 +3.45
Edge Select Conservative
Merrill Lynch
21 79 0 0.25 3.85 +7.83 +3.45 +3.60
Robo Advisor 0
0 100 0 0.33 3.81 +5.25 +1.16 +1.40
Rob Arnott Portfolio
Rob Arnott
30 60 10 0.15 3.76 +8.25 +3.84 +4.00
Robo Advisor 10 Value Tilt
9.9 90.1 0 0.29 3.69 +6.24 +2.01 +2.20
Developed World ex-US 60/40
60 40 0 0.08 3.68 +7.43 +4.98 +4.17
All Country World 20/80
20 80 0 0.24 3.68 +8.14 +2.27 +3.37
Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum
40 60 0 0.12 3.68 +7.75 +3.69 +3.89
Total Bond US
0 100 0 0.32 3.67 +5.80 -0.55 +1.48
10-year Treasury
0 100 0 0.31 3.62 +4.89 -2.05 +0.80
European Stocks
100 0 0 0.00 3.61 +11.40 +9.61 +5.72
One-Decision Portfolio
Marvin Appel
50 50 0 0.18 3.59 +10.10 +6.50 +5.69
Robo Advisor 20 Value Tilt
19.9 80.1 0 0.25 3.57 +7.25 +2.86 +2.99
Developed World ex-US 80/20
80 20 0 0.04 3.52 +7.91 +6.73 +4.84
Five Asset
Roger Gibson
60 20 20 0.06 3.48 +10.70 +8.83 +6.04
LifeStrategy Income Fund
20 80 0 0.23 3.47 +7.69 +2.20 +3.26
Developed World ex-US 60/40 Momentum
60 40 0 0.08 3.43 +8.68 +5.63 +4.83
Global Market Portfolio
Credit Suisse
45 55 0 0.16 3.38 +9.51 +3.78 +4.68
Developed World ex-US Stocks
100 0 0 0.00 3.36 +8.39 +8.51 +5.47
Sheltered Sam 0/100
Bill Bernstein
0 100 0 0.20 3.36 +5.51 +1.31 +1.65
Eliminate Fat Tails
Larry Swedroe
30 70 0 0.12 3.31 +6.43 +3.63 +3.24
Edge Select Moderately Conservative
Merrill Lynch
37 63 0 0.20 3.27 +9.93 +5.29 +5.19
Sheltered Sam 10/90
Bill Bernstein
9.7 90 0.3 0.18 3.26 +6.38 +2.35 +2.40
All Country World 40/60
40 60 0 0.18 3.25 +9.76 +4.83 +4.88
Stocks/Bonds 20/80
20 80 0 0.26 3.19 +8.36 +2.80 +3.75
Sheltered Sam 20/80
Bill Bernstein
19.4 80 0.6 0.16 3.16 +7.25 +3.39 +3.13
Ultimate Buy&Hold
60 40 0 0.10 3.16 +8.90 +5.73 +4.83
Big Rocks Portfolio
Larry Swedroe
60 40 0 0.13 3.15 +9.29 +6.91 +5.47
Robo Advisor 50 Value Tilt
49.9 50.1 0 0.14 3.15 +10.05 +5.54 +5.15
Late Sixties and Beyond
Burton Malkiel
71 29 0 0.11 3.12 +12.37 +7.98 +6.82
LifeStrategy Conservative Growth
40 60 0 0.17 3.12 +9.50 +4.84 +4.89
Stocks/Bonds 20/80 Momentum
20 80 0 0.26 3.09 +9.07 +2.40 +3.94
Six Ways from Sunday
Scott Burns
66.7 33.3 0 0.03 3.07 +10.57 +9.69 +6.30
GAA Global Asset Allocation
Mebane Faber
40.5 49.5 10 0.15 3.07 +10.55 +4.88 +4.89
Sheltered Sam 30/70
Bill Bernstein
29.1 70 0.9 0.14 3.06 +8.11 +4.43 +3.86
Simple Money Portfolio
Tim Maurer
60 40 0 0.11 3.05 +9.03 +6.17 +5.13
Larry Portfolio
Larry Swedroe
30 70 0 0.20 3.02 +6.03 +2.12 +2.78
Five Fold
Scott Burns
60 40 0 0.04 3.01 +10.84 +6.28 +5.57
Ideal Index
Frank Armstrong
70 30 0 0.10 3.01 +9.50 +7.33 +5.68
Ultimate Buy and Hold Strategy
Paul Merriman
100 0 0 0.00 2.97 +11.14 +9.25 +6.92
All Weather Portfolio
Ray Dalio
30 55 15 0.18 2.97 +10.73 +3.82 +4.82
Sheltered Sam 40/60
Bill Bernstein
38.8 60 1.2 0.12 2.96 +8.98 +5.47 +4.58
Seven Value
Scott Burns
71.5 28.5 0 0.03 2.96 +11.52 +10.31 +6.91
Gretchen Tai Portfolio
Gretchen Tai
70 30 0 0.08 2.95 +10.85 +7.35 +6.12
Developed World ex-US Stocks Momentum
100 0 0 0.00 2.93 +10.54 +9.53 +6.55
Simple and Cheap
Time Money Inc
60 40 0 0.12 2.93 +11.21 +6.84 +6.09
Talmud Portfolio
Roger Gibson
66.7 33.3 0 0.11 2.93 +12.73 +7.21 +6.61
All Weather Portfolio with Bitcoin
Ray Dalio
30 55 15 0.18 2.92 +11.60 +5.46 +8.40
Bill Schultheis
60 40 0 0.13 2.92 +9.72 +6.44 +5.79
Coward's Portfolio
Bill Bernstein
60 40 0 0.13 2.91 +9.58 +7.44 +5.91
Tilt Toward Value
Time Money Inc
60 40 0 0.12 2.91 +11.00 +6.90 +6.13
Nano Portfolio
John Wasik
60 40 0 0.06 2.91 +10.67 +6.38 +5.52
Edge Select Moderate
Merrill Lynch
53 47 0 0.16 2.91 +11.23 +7.35 +6.47
Lifepath Fund
40.4 59.6 0 0.16 2.91 +9.52 +5.12 +5.01
All Weather Portfolio 2x Leveraged
Ray Dalio
37.5 55 7.5 0.00 2.90 +16.38 +4.06 +6.40
Gone Fishin' Portfolio
Alexander Green
65 30 5 0.08 2.88 +10.71 +7.30 +6.02
Sheltered Sam 50/50
Bill Bernstein
48.5 50 1.5 0.10 2.86 +9.84 +6.51 +5.29
Long Term Portfolio
Ben Stein
80 20 0 0.07 2.84 +11.40 +9.31 +6.98
Burton Malkiel
80 20 0 0.08 2.83 +12.93 +8.81 +7.27
All Country World 60/40
60 40 0 0.12 2.82 +11.35 +7.39 +6.34
Andrew Tobias Portfolio
Andrew Tobias
66.7 33.3 0 0.11 2.81 +10.82 +8.77 +6.53
Four Square
Scott Burns
50 50 0 0.05 2.80 +10.05 +6.28 +5.50
Sandwich Portfolio
Bob Clyatt
55 45 0 0.13 2.80 +9.32 +5.85 +5.36
Stocks/Bonds 40/60 2x Leveraged
40 60 0 0.00 2.80 +15.85 +5.53 +7.67
Ulcer Free Strategy
Aim Ways
11 77 12 0.18 2.77 +11.75 +4.95 +5.47
LifeStrategy Moderate Growth
60 40 0 0.11 2.76 +11.28 +7.49 +6.46
Sheltered Sam 60/40
Bill Bernstein
58.2 40 1.8 0.08 2.76 +10.70 +7.55 +5.98
Perfect Portfolio
Ben Stein
80 20 0 0.07 2.75 +12.34 +10.78 +7.72
Desert Portfolio 2x Leveraged
Gyroscopic Investing
30 60 10 0.00 2.71 +19.61 +4.80 +6.82
Stocks/Bonds 40/60
40 60 0 0.19 2.71 +10.81 +6.12 +5.97
Aim comfortable trip
Aim Ways
40 45 15 0.11 2.69 +13.91 +7.64 +6.38
Weird Portfolio
Value Stock Geek
60 20 20 0.07 2.69 +13.65 +5.59 +5.54
Sheltered Sam 70/30
Bill Bernstein
67.9 30 2.1 0.06 2.66 +11.56 +8.60 +6.67
Stocks/Bonds 40/60 with Bitcoin
39 59 2 0.19 2.66 +11.80 +7.93 +9.61
65 25 10 0.08 2.66 +13.00 +7.71 +6.05
Permanent Portfolio
Harry Browne
25 50 25 0.17 2.65 +16.02 +6.02 +5.74
Permanent Portfolio with Bitcoin
Harry Browne
25 50 25 0.17 2.65 +16.50 +7.73 +9.34
Late Thirties to Early Forties
Burton Malkiel
85 15 0 0.06 2.64 +13.20 +9.48 +7.57
PISI Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
30 60 10 0.19 2.64 +12.42 +5.02 +5.36
Dimensional Retirement Income Fund
20.4 79.6 0 0.08 2.63 +7.53 +4.39 +3.81
Yale Endowment
David Swensen
70 30 0 0.04 2.63 +11.81 +7.74 +6.47
Family Taxable Portfolio
Ted Aronson
70 30 0 0.06 2.62 +8.75 +6.91 +6.11
Lazy Portfolio
David Swensen
70 30 0 0.04 2.61 +12.00 +7.63 +6.42
Paul Boyer Portfolio
Paul Boyer
25 50 25 0.17 2.61 +13.64 +3.38 +3.97
No Brainer Portfolio
Bill Bernstein
75 25 0 0.08 2.61 +10.17 +9.24 +7.14
Burton Malkiel
87 13 0 0.05 2.59 +13.25 +9.61 +7.59
Robo Advisor 80 Value Tilt
80 20 0 0.05 2.58 +11.91 +9.05 +7.12
Sheltered Sam 80/20
Bill Bernstein
77.6 20 2.4 0.04 2.56 +12.42 +9.64 +7.35
Edge Select Moderately Aggressive
Merrill Lynch
69 31 0 0.11 2.56 +12.76 +9.55 +7.82
Jane Bryant Quinn Portfolio
Jane Bryant Quinn
70 30 0 0.06 2.55 +12.19 +8.81 +7.24
Stocks/Bonds 40/60 ESG
40 60 0 0.19 2.53 +10.45 +6.23 +5.22
US Inflation Protection
0 100 0 0.00 2.52 +6.03 +1.43 +2.07
Stocks/Bonds 40/60 Momentum
40 60 0 0.19 2.50 +12.20 +5.31 +6.34
Sheltered Sam 90/10
Bill Bernstein
87.3 10 2.7 0.02 2.47 +13.28 +10.69 +8.02
Odd-Stats Strategy
Aim Ways
47 43 10 0.11 2.44 +14.10 +8.10 +7.89
7Twelve Portfolio
Craig Israelsen
50 33.3 16.7 0.10 2.44 +8.74 +7.37 +4.84
Emerging Markets Stocks
100 0 0 0.00 2.43 +10.63 +3.53 +2.84
Core Four
Rick Ferri
80 20 0 0.06 2.43 +13.36 +9.99 +8.02
LifeStrategy Growth Fund
80 20 0 0.06 2.41 +13.02 +10.14 +8.00
Marc Faber Portfolio
Marc Faber
50 25 25 0.08 2.41 +18.17 +7.71 +6.42
Ivy Portfolio
Mebane Faber
60 20 20 0.06 2.41 +10.58 +8.65 +5.59
Robo Advisor 90 Value Tilt
90.1 9.9 0 0.03 2.39 +12.60 +10.30 +7.78
All Country World 80/20
80 20 0 0.06 2.38 +12.90 +9.97 +7.77
Sheltered Sam 100/0
Bill Bernstein
97 0 3 0.00 2.37 +14.13 +11.74 +8.69
In Saecula Saeculorum
Fulvio Marchese
45 45 10 0.15 2.35 +14.39 +8.19 +7.24
Talmud Portfolio 2x Leveraged
Roger Gibson
66.7 33.3 0 0.00 2.34 +18.83 +6.65 +8.26
Three Funds
80 20 0 0.06 2.34 +13.18 +10.29 +8.12
Scott Burns
67 33 0 0.00 2.33 +11.48 +8.52 +6.70
Gold Pivot Ptf
Aim Ways
22 44 34 0.12 2.33 +19.92 +9.03 +7.81
Desert Portfolio with Bitcoin
Gyroscopic Investing
30 60 10 0.17 2.29 +12.84 +7.71 +9.15
Desert Portfolio
Gyroscopic Investing
30 60 10 0.17 2.29 +12.36 +5.98 +5.49
Dedalo Eleven
Dedalo Invest
80 20 0 0.05 2.26 +13.49 +10.33 +8.28
Margherita Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
30 60 10 0.15 2.26 +12.84 +6.70 +6.02
Simplified Permanent Portfolio 2x Leveraged
The Lazy Team
25 50 25 0.00 2.26 +28.11 +6.88 +7.63
Golden Butterfly
40 40 20 0.13 2.25 +14.20 +6.73 +6.12
Golden Butterfly with Bitcoin
40 40 20 0.13 2.25 +14.68 +8.45 +9.72
Alpha Architect
70 20 10 0.06 2.24 +12.88 +9.31 +7.38
Stocks/Bonds 60/40
60 40 0 0.13 2.23 +13.15 +9.43 +8.13
Four Funds
80 20 0 0.03 2.23 +13.21 +10.49 +8.17
Edge Select Aggressive
Merrill Lynch
84 16 0 0.05 2.22 +13.80 +11.38 +8.89
Cockroach Portfolio
Tony Dong
60 20 20 0.06 2.20 +18.65 +8.26 +7.39
Stocks/Bonds 60/40 with Bitcoin
59 39 2 0.12 2.18 +14.09 +11.21 +11.73
Robo Advisor 100 Value Tilt
100 0 0 0.00 2.17 +13.42 +11.54 +8.38
US Stocks Value
100 0 0 0.00 2.15 +12.39 +13.98 +10.13
Stocks/Bonds 60/40 2x Leveraged
60 40 0 0.00 2.15 +20.76 +11.98 +11.81
Simplified Permanent Portfolio
The Lazy Team
25 50 25 0.16 2.13 +16.55 +6.13 +5.82
Second Grader's Starter
Paul Farrell
90 10 0 0.03 2.10 +14.34 +11.95 +9.17
Golden Butterfly 2x Leveraged
40 40 20 0.00 2.08 +22.94 +7.54 +8.00
Capricciosa Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
50 45 5 0.12 2.07 +13.68 +9.24 +7.83
Four Seasons Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
40 50 10 0.12 2.07 +14.09 +8.34 +7.14
Stocks/Bonds 60/40 ESG
60 40 0 0.13 2.03 +12.79 +9.63 +7.09
Dedalo Four
Dedalo Invest
80 20 0 0.04 2.02 +14.57 +11.93 +9.54
All Country World Stocks
100 0 0 0.00 1.95 +14.42 +12.55 +9.16
Stocks/Bonds 60/40 Momentum
60 40 0 0.13 1.92 +15.18 +8.19 +8.69
Shield Strategy
Aim Ways
42 38 20 0.12 1.91 +17.45 +10.11 +8.83
Pepperoni Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
60 40 0 0.11 1.91 +13.15 +10.84 +9.12
Couch Potato
Scott Burns
50 50 0 0.00 1.89 +12.12 +8.77 +7.32
Simple Path to Wealth
JL Collins
75 25 0 0.08 1.87 +14.85 +11.90 +9.72
Stocks/Bonds 80/20
80 20 0 0.06 1.75 +15.40 +12.72 +10.24
US Stocks Minimum Volatility
100 0 0 0.00 1.67 +18.19 +10.98 +10.59
US Stocks Equal Weight
100 0 0 0.00 1.52 +12.42 +13.71 +10.02
Warren Buffett Portfolio
Warren Buffett
90 10 0 0.03 1.50 +17.41 +15.25 +11.82
Dedalo Three
Dedalo Invest
100 0 0 0.00 1.47 +16.64 +14.98 +11.37
Stocks/Bonds 80/20 Momentum
80 20 0 0.06 1.33 +18.04 +11.04 +10.98
Diavola Portfolio
Davide Pisicchio
90 10 0 0.03 1.29 +16.16 +15.91 +12.78
US Stocks
100 0 0 0.00 1.27 +17.54 +16.00 +12.31
Cape US Sector Value
Robert Shiller
100 0 0 0.00 1.23 +17.06 +16.93 +13.92
US Stocks ESG
100 0 0 0.00 1.05 +17.14 +16.28 +10.55
US Stocks Quality
100 0 0 0.00 1.02 +14.46 +16.18 +12.65
US Stocks Momentum
100 0 0 0.00 0.75 +20.79 +13.86 +13.23
100 0 0 0.00 0.56 +16.44 +20.55 +17.62
0 0 100 0.00 0.00 +39.07 +12.15 +8.53
Ark Tech Portfolio
Cathie Wood
100 0 0 0.00 0.00 +14.82 +7.29 +12.67

Annual Returns are calculated assuming the reinvestment of dividends. They are also calculated on the hypothesis of a yearly rebalancing of the portfolios (at the beginning of the year)

Returns refer to investiments in US Dollars.

If you need a deeper analysis, not only focused on dividend yield, visit the Lazy Portfolio ETF Homepage.